---------------------- 1. High sensitivity to sound from tapering, plz help https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rp5ldz/high_sensitivity_to_sound_from_tapering_plz_help/ Hello, i completely tapered off of klonopin today and I used to take 3 mg per day. A few days ago (when I still took 0.125 mg) I suddenly had HIGH sensitivity to sound. To the point where I can’t really leave my house. Day to day stuff is intolerable too. Like normal stuff sounds like nails on a chalkboard. My psychiatrist claimed that it’d only last a few days but it’s been longer than that. How long will this last? ? [tapering, psychiatrist] 2. Weight loss https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/royguf/weight_loss/ I have lost 60 pounds. Getting to high school weight (am 44 now). Finally stabilized but I have to eat crazy amount of food to maintain. Not much appetite. Nice problem to have since I have been overweight for like 15-20 years but very scary. [withdraval] 3.Coming up on One Year free of Benzos. It gets better. You will get your life back. https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rp70fu/coming_up_on_one_year_free_of_benzos_it_gets/ Dropping in to post the encouraging news. After the 6 month mark my withdrawal got progressively better. At almost a year now I have few direct wd symptom other then Tinnitus. I was 6 yrs Rx 1mg a day Klonopin. I did a 5 month slow taper before stopping all together last January.After stopping the next 3 months were a horror. I prayed for death. Stayed the course. The next 3 months saw progressive improvement. I feel Time has been the main positive factor. I did reinstate Lexapro, not thrilled to be on pharma, but its helped me with the depression. This sub was very helpful. I tried many of the remedies that get posted here. Hard to say which if any really helped. Diet... eat clean. No sugar or processed crap. Lots of water. Hydrate hydrate. Exercise daily. Lots of walks Time Hang in there. It really does get better [tapering, withdraval, drugs] 4. Cannabis https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rowdn2/cannabis/ Thoughts? Seems to help with sleep but makes other symptoms worse maybe? [drugs] 5. Advice for Valium taper without a helpful doctor? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/roz39g/advice_for_valium_taper_without_a_helpful_doctor/ I have been on 10 mg of Valium nightly for about 2 years now for insomnia. Previously I was taking 10 mg of ambien nightly for about 3 years. Now that I am healthier and more active, I am attempting to wean off of the Valium. My prescribing doctor was not very helpful when we discussed tapering. He suggested that I take it either every other day or start with a half dose nightly. Both of these leave me with differing withdrawal symptoms. Some of my symptoms are heart palpitations and tremors. The most bothersome one is depersonalization/derealization. This effects my job greatly and I can’t work this way. Does anyone have any better advice while I taper? [tapering, psychiatrist, withdrawal] 6. Thank you everyone https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rogvha/thank_you_everyone/ VIDEO [other] 7. Another day, stiffness in my body https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rovo7d/another_day_stiffness_in_my_body/ VIDEO [other, withdrawal] 8. I don’t give a fuck anymore https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/roo1bl/i_dont_give_a_fuck_anymore/ Benzos need to be fucking replaced. They scar. They hurt. They cause neurological and psychiatric damage. How the fuck are they legal. I don’t care if you justify their legality or not. They’re fucking evil. [other] 9. Mirtazapine https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rp1gh1/mirtazapine/ Has anyone come off mirtazapine? If so how and what withdrawal? [withdrawal] 10. I need some reassurance https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/roq1ux/i_need_some_reassurance/ I am just passing the 6 month mark, post prescribed 1mg Ativan for sleep. I was only on that and some Valium for 6-9 months, but going back 18 months it all started with a severe reaction to an anti biotic. A few months ago I was in a series of windows and waves, but it seems the further out I’ve gotten, specifically the last two months, I’m just in a continuous wave. I have a steady baseline of symptoms like tinnitus, brain fog, drdp, memory issues, depression, extreme fatigue, flu feeling & then I got waves of debilitating symptoms on top. For instance, I had days with migraine and aura and most recently have had awful food poisoning and then horrible gut issues. I’ve seen every specialist and done everything possible to help myself medically. I just want to know if this is “normal”. It’s very demoralising, especially seeing other people heal after a couple of months. [withdrawal, drugs] 11. Is this brain damage permanent? I’ve been suffering neurological issues and it’s been almost a year since I quit. Any little thing food tea herb supplement triggers my withdrawals and send me into 2 weeks of anxiety hell. Will it ever end? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rooe21/is_this_brain_damage_permanent_ive_been_suffering/ [withdrawal] 12. i don’t know what to do https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rop3ai/i_dont_know_what_to_do/ i quit xanax cold turkey a week ago and i’ve never felt this awful in my life. i was taking about 5-6mg at a time for nearly a year and i had to quit because i no longer have access. i don’t know what to do anymore i can’t do this. i’m in so much pain i can’t sleep i can’t eat and i’ve never been this depressed. i can’t go to the doctor or anything because i’m 16 and my parents don’t know. i genuinely don’t know how to make this better but i have to do something because i’m miserable [withdrawal] 13. Best tips for benzo withdrawals https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rounvg/best_tips_for_benzo_withdrawals/ I know you have to slow taper . But what else can I do . Don’t want to add to much more medication either. [tapering, withdrawal] 14. How to proceed after a small relapse ? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/roxqel/how_to_proceed_after_a_small_relapse/ So I managed to taper Xanax from 3-4mg a day to 0.12mg x 3 days before jumping (total 3 months of tapering). At last day of 0.12mg some unexpected life events hit me hard and I relapsed. Took each day for 3 days 1.5mg of Xanax. Any ideas how should I taper it again to zero, a fast taper or something ? I don't care about the rebound anxiety/discomfort, just want to be safe from seizures. I have around 15x0.5mg Xans left. [tapering, withdrawal, relapse] 15. 35 days in. Urges https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/roomtk/35_days_in_urges/ 35 days in and the urges have never been this bad. I think the reason they’re so bad today is because I know that I have 2mg of alpraz in my car right outside 🤦🏾‍♂️. I was millimeters away from relapsing a couple nights ago. Literally had half a football on my tongue before snapping out of it and putting it back in my armrest. It’s really fuckin killing me these past couple nights, especially with the insomnia on top of it. I just took a 400mg gabapentin. They have been helping for the most part. No more withdrawal symptoms fr except the urges and insomnia. Wtf do I do?? 35 days is about the longest I’ve ever stopped damn near since I started 7 years ago. I really don’t want to relapse but my mind is fucking with me saying “go ahead and take the two footballs so they won’t be there anymore, and then you’ll really be done, just this last fix” 🤦🏾‍♂️ I feel myself slipping but I’m trying to keep pushing through. Please, any advice would help. [withdrawal, relapse] 16. Window!! https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/roeqf1/window/ oh God I'm in a window ,my loves, my friends, and it's orgasmic. They happen! We can do this! Keep fighting! And remember these moments when the waves hit. [other] 17. What’s the worst symptoms you’ve had during withdrawal? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rohy7p/whats_the_worst_symptoms_youve_had_during/ I’ve been hearing a lot of horror stories, I think I got off pretty lucky after 2 years 30mg a day diazepam, anxiety for about a month and thought loops, was pretty bad but no where near the horror of what I’ve heard. [withdrawal] 18. Has anyone returned to their baseline anxiety prior to their benzo use https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/roekjz/has_anyone_returned_to_their_baseline_anxiety/ The vast majority of my physical symptoms are gone, but my anxiety is still really high and was wondering if this is permanent or not. Because my anxiety before these drugs was bad but a lot more manageable, this isn’t. [withdrawal] 19. I don’t know if I can do it anymore. https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rohntp/i_dont_know_if_i_can_do_it_anymore/ I’m down to 4mg of Valium per day. I’m miserable. I even take Gabapentin to help with the withdrawals but today is Christmas and I can’t even enjoy it. My mood swings, irritability, and lack of happiness is all really unbearable. I want to just go back to 20mg a day and not give a fuck about anything. I can’t do this. And a doctor did this to me. I’m so angry I don’t know what to do. I feel defeated and like I’ll never get through this. I’m a shadow of the person I used to be and I hate myself. I never abused anything. I took everything as prescribed and now I’m in hell. What did I do to deserve this. [withdrawal, psychiatrist] 20. Horrible Wave or something else https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rokh7k/horrible_wave_or_something_else/ I’ve been in a horrible wave for two days. Extreme burning on my limbs and scalp. Feels like hot lava on my head and acid running through my veins. I’ve never had it this bad. Then I also get tremors and shaking due to the pain. I’m using ice packs and hot bath, cold showers, to trick my nerves. I’m 6 weeks from my detox from Xanax. I had the burning all during my attempted 4 month taper. I could barely reduce so I went to detox. I was paradoxical and in withdrawal tolerance the whole time I tried to taper. My body is on fire! I went to ER and they just gave me a shot for inflammation. Doc was not well advised about withdrawal symptoms. Said he didn’t want to give me an opiate for pain. So basically said increase the gabapentin. I truly cannot bear with the pain. My pdoc gave me gabapentin to help a few weeks ago, but it’s not helping. (100 or 200mg 3xday) At this point I’m very afraid that something else is wrong with me. Do you think this is just a bad wave since I’m still in Acute? Im so scared and in despair. I think I may need to call my pdoc and ask reinstate to Valium so I can get stable. The detox was basically a cold turkey. My CNS is screaming. Please help me. Is this just a bad wave or something else? I don’t know how I’m going to get through this. I’ve prayed for healing for so long. 😫😥 [withdrawal, tapering,] 21. One more day https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/ro9aor/one_more_day/ VIDEO [other] 22. Librium https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/ro7kri/librium/ Anyone tried Librium to come off higher doses of benzo’s? [withdrawal] 23. Pushing forward https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/ro52sk/pushing_forward/ VIDEO [other] 24. Do your withdrawal symptoms lean most strongly toward the mental or physical? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/?count=26&before=t3_ro3fko In my case, I have both but it's far more physically difficult overall. As an aside: 15 months of tapering after over 10 years doctor prescribed 3mgs daily of ativan for inner tremors (not anxiety) due to hormone depletion after being catapulted into early menopause. [tapering, withdrawal] 25. Coming off benzos traumatized me https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rntkjg/coming_off_benzos_traumatized_me/ So when I quit I rushed it too fast, had psychosis and it traumatized me. Can anyone relate? I feel like a broken monster shell of a human. I get breaths of fresh air the pulled back down into dark waves. I wonder if I’ll ever be normal. I know I’m getting better but I have horrible meltdowns like a helpless child. I HATE BENZOS [withdrawal] 26. I tapered down to .06mg valium. Should I go even lower? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/ro3fko/i_tapered_down_to_06mg_valium_should_i_go_even/ I've been on valium about a decade now. But I standardized my dose in water, I drop a pinch of vitamin C to preserve it so it doesn't decompose. As 1 preparation solution lasts a few weeks. Then use a syringe to dispense precise doses. I basically dissolve 5mg into 10ml. Then use 1/5th increments on each 1cc to measure down slowly. I have been tapering a long time now. And have been at .06mg for about 1 month now. I'm not sure what to do next? I mean, the way I see it, if it wasn't that hard to get this low going nice & slow... should I just aim for .01mg? Is there any real reason to rush the process at all? Sleep is my main concern. I tried coming off at .25mg and had unrelenting insomnia for 3 weeks. Then said eff it I'll go back on & go lower. Now I've become so accustomed to taper I feel I should just taper to micrograms. Has anyone done this? Thanks! [tapering] 27. Roll call! https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rnvok5/roll_call/ How’s everyone doing? I feel like shit and misery loves company, so let’s talk about how awful benzos or the holidays or anything else is. Or maybe you’re doing great and can inspire the rest of us! I’m personally feeling lonely and grinchy but I got my dad a kitten for Christmas and she’s living with me til tomorrow and she is SO CUTE. I hope the rest of you are faring better than I am and that we all find small ways to enjoy the next few days. ❤️ [other] 28. NEED HELP! question about dissolving in water so i can volumetric dose. please https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/ro4mu9/need_help_question_about_dissolving_in_water_so_i/ So i want to start volumetric dosing my question is what is water soluble the important part some pills come with lactose in them, this is the version i have other pills come with Microcrystalline cellulose in them, im not sure i can get this im asking people who were dissolving their pills or are doing it right now, which version do you have? can you check the box? or the information list that comes inside the box, it should be listed somewhere. [tapering] 29. Christmas ruined - rant https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rns8xx/christmas_ruined_rant/ So I've tested positive for covid-19 which has thrown my plans out the window! I was just starting to get out and most of my withdrawal symptoms have gone apart from the tinnitus and tremor. Now I'm stuck inside like a leper for the next 7 days. Sigh [other] 30. Merry Christmas 🤶 https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rnnl6a/merry_christmas/ VIDEO [other] 31. I just want a beer? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/?count=25&after=t3_rntkjg I know this question might seem really dumb but I am wondering if there are any potential risks to having 1 tall can tonight for xmas? I am currently stabilized on 10mg diazepam after being switched from 3mg daily lorazepam use. So I am not currently tapering but my initial cut was like 50%. I just really want to drink a beer, but not sure if that will trigger symptoms or anything, I dunno. TIA! [drugs] 32. Day 11 woke up hands shaking like crazy and covered in sweat, but I will prevail https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rnq4ki/day_11_woke_up_hands_shaking_like_crazy_and/ After my two year run of etizolam, Xanax and some flualp in between, tapered down in treatment with Ativan and on day 11 with no benzos. I don’t let it hold me back though. I would say my most noticeable withdrawal effects are very high anxiety and my hands as I type this are just shaking like crazy. But been hitting the gym everyday and seeing some of my family when I’m up to it. It’s sad my brothers won’t talk to me anymore for now and it’s the holidays. But I won’t use that as a setback to relapse. I’ll use that as motivation to keep moving forward. Anyway, they are huge stressers for me and I’m sure I stress them out as well. Especially after this last run. But let’s keep moving forward. I won’t let this direct me in the wrong way [withdrawal] 33. Why isn't there an extended release benzo injection? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rnuaii/why_isnt_there_an_extended_release_benzo_injection/ It's super hard to taper off and not get all messed up for a lot of people and safe tapers last a very long time. I was wondering why there isn't an extended release injection for benzos like there is for opiates, something in a time release matrix that would release a tiny amount of benzo over time, diminishing down to nothing and essentially tapering for the user, effectively taking the burden of use out of a patients hands. Something similar to sublocade but for benzos. I feel like that could be really helpful to people. [tapering, drugs] 34. 55 days of of 30 mg of Valium and Alcohol need advice! https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rnsjdn/55_days_of_of_30_mg_of_valium_and_alcohol_need/ I've been of 30 mg of Valium and 2 pint of alcohol a day for almost two months. My Valium was a rapid taper. I am feeling so fatigued and get so tired just from 20 min of house work. I am a 40 year old man 5'11 21bs. I can believe how unmotivated I am and physically tired I am. Does anything help with this? I am getting so frustrated. I worry all the time and I just feel so sluggish and weak. Any advice will help. [withdrawal, tapering] 35. How was Eminem’s withdrawal experience? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rnjhk7/how_was_eminems_withdrawal_experience/ In one of the posts in this sub, I came across to one about Eminem’s benzorecovery. He has been popping dozens of anti-anxiety and sleep medications daily, and he then went CT on everything, and looks like he is okay now. I have been struggling with my taper on prescribed short-term Xanax medication and now trying to remind myself that Eminem has been maybe getting 50 times more medication than I did daily, and now he is okay. I’ve been looking up his journey and learned that he hasn’t slept for three weeks and took him a while to get back his motor skills etc. Do you know if there is any detailed video or interview on his journey and withdrawals? I was just curious to find some material on it, to get some courage. [other, withdrawal] 36. Question about need to taper https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/?count=25&after=t3_rntkjg Hey everyone, I've been in the psych ward for severe anxiety since 12/17, and I've taken a lot more benzos while I've been here than I usually take. I'm very cautious with benzos, because I'm aware of the severity of the withdrawal syndrome, so at home I usually only take them once every few weeks max. I'm just wondering if I'm going to need to taper or something after I get out of here. I recorded every dose I took, and the information is below. Do you guys think it would be safe for me to just stop when I leave? I may take another dose today, just FYI, depending on my anxiety level. If so, it would be 1 mg Ativan. 12/17: 1 mg Ativan 12/19: 1 mg Ativan 12/20: 1 mg Ativan 12/21: 1 mg Ativan, 0.5 mg Klonopin 12/23: 1 mg Ativan Notice that I skipped a day sometimes. The Klonopin had no effect on my anxiety whatsoever, so that was a one-time thing. Thanks for any feedback. [tapering] 37. Absolute Insanity https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rnp688/absolute_insanity/ I’ve been on Xanax for two years on and off and now I’m attempting a quick taper from 3mgs to now today downed 1.5mgs , I wake up with panick attacks, everything around me seems so psychotic, I have no joy no desire and no motivation left in me and the final week is coming in 10 days. I’ve never felt so alone [tapering, withdrawal] 38. Ashton Withdrawal Schedule? .5mg Xanax daily. https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rntcjv/ashton_withdrawal_schedule_5mg_xanax_daily/ I’m reading the Ashton manual and see a lot of great example schedules to switch over to Valium. However all of the schedules are designed around people who dose their benzos 3 times a day, and I only dose once a day - 0.5mg of Xanax. I have for about 14 years roughly, and it’s been a consistent .5 daily with no change for the 14 years. Occasionally for big social events I’ll take a second dose. I don’t take any other medications, drink or use drugs. Does anyone know if there is a place to find a suggested schedule or an example plan of switching to Valium successfully and then reducing the Valium use? Am I reading right that .5mg of Xanax is equivalent to 10mg of diazepam (Valium)? So maybe the schedule would be like: Day 1: 0.5mg Xanax Day 2: 0.25mg Xanax 5 mg diazepam Day 3: 0.5mg Xanax Day 4: 0.25 mg Xanax 5 mg diazepam Etc etc until switched over to diazepam? Does anyone have any insight or advice? I’m nervous to ask my doctor about diazepam use because it sounds drug seeking so I want to educate myself first. Some might thing .5 should be easy but 14 years of built up rebound anxiety is no joke… I’ve failed slow tapers using just alprazolam several times now. Thanks! [withdrawal, tapering,] 39. 2 months sober from benzos. Can I take one on a bad day? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rnoyir/2_months_sober_from_benzos_can_i_take_one_on_a/ Hey I was just wondering if it’s okay for me to take one on a bad day? When I was sober I couldn’t take it because it would make me go into withdrawal again, but I’m wondering if taking it once or twice a month or will be a set back? [relapse] 40. Anyone tried Lactium? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rnrz5l/anyone_tried_lactium/ I am just curious if anyone has tried Lactium before? I am taking it to help me taper off Ambien and has been doing an ok job, but am worried that I am replacing one thing for another? Most literature states that is harmless since it comes from milk, but also states that it interacts with GABA-a receptors… The last thing I want is to get through the rebound insomnia of Ambien only to deal with another round of rebound insomnia. [drugs] 41. Long term diazepam (valium use) Help please https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rnjq0p/long_term_diazepam_valium_use_help_please/ Dear Members, I have been on valium (diazepam) for 12 years now. (initially to help with anxiety) I started off using 10mg but I'm down to just 0.5mg. I know that this is a ridiculously low amount but I just can't seem to stop. If I do try I get flu like symptoms, agitated and feel bad. Has anyone been in my position? Can anyone give me advice to finally stop? Thanks in advance. [withdrawal, tapering] 42. Is this bs https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rn5fd4/is_this_bs/ PICTURE (graph withdrawal) [other, withdrawal] 43. This is not the end https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rn0bva/this_is_not_the_end/ VIDEO [other] 44. Has anyone been healed of anhedonia while being on all these? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rnbaeg/has_anyone_been_healed_of_anhedonia_while_being/ I'm 6 months off klonopin. Just curious if any of these will prevent me from getting my emotions back. I'm on vraylar(antipsychotic), Zoloft, Seroquel for sleep, levothyroxine, and nicotine. Will any of these prevent full healing? Please chime in! [withdrawal] 45. Ambien withdrawal https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rnjra4/ambien_withdrawal/ [TEXT DELETED JUST COMMENTS] [withdrawal] 46. i wanted to pick up today so badly https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rnf24j/i_wanted_to_pick_up_today_so_badly/ i found out i got laced with fentanyl, suboxone, and methadone in my xanax bars about a little over a week ago when i went to detox after they drug tested me, i was having the worst withdrawals i could ever imagine, i’m about 15 days sober today from those bars i don’t really even crave xans i noticed i find myself thinking about shooting up, or popping some percs but i would never shoot up idk why my mind thinks about it at least once a day it’s honestly scares me where my addiction has taken me i’ve hit rock bottom to many times and i’m only 19 and i’ve thrown my life away in only 3 months relapse i constantly was blacking out and scaring tf out of my family and friends, 2 of my only friends stopped talking to me, my older siblings started ignoring me, my parents were constantly lashing out at me but i was as well bc i was so fucked up it scares me how fast addiction can take over everything, it makes me sad how i can’t remember my childhood/teenage years bc i was using for years i thought i’d be dead by 18 but seeing the days add up of me being sober gives me hope and knowing i’ve gotten sober multiple times it’s just so easy to relapse but my dealer spam called me the other day saying they were by my house and i told them no it honestly took a lot of strength especially with how stressed i’ve been [withdrawal, drugs] 47. Rant. https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rnalq8/rant/ I felt the need to come on and have a rant today. I read so many posts on here about substituting with opioids, THC, other psychoactive drugs. These posts are from people who have no actual clue on what they’re talking about, probably short term users. Let’s put the medical conclusion down here, you have down-regulated your GABA(A) receptor. Let’s think of GABA and Glutamine as the building blocks of the brain. GABA is responsible for relaxation/calming/balancing and Glutamine is an excitability chemical. These two receptors work in complete sync. When using Benzodiazepines, they flood the brain with GABA and inhibit Glutamine. When coming off Benzo’s, your GABA is not able to compensate for the storm of Glutamine that floods the brain. Because why? Your GABA receptor is used to being down regulated from a chemical and does not know how to instantly turn on anymore. Opioids, THC, Supplements will not cure you. They may ease symptoms but they are not curing you. The only known drug to help you is Flumazenil, slow bolus infusion. Google it, research it. Stop spreading shit information to people who are desperate. [other, drugs] 48. Help me Please https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rn5z96/help_me_please/ I guess my story is not unique. I took Xanax for about 20 years. Last 5-8 years my dr up my dose and added Klonpin. My memory was getting so bad. I would forgot whole parts of my kids life and that’s the only thing that is important to me. I stopped a SSRI that I could not afford. very bad withdrawals but made it. Start and an end. Tapered off the Benzos for months and descended into the darkest place imaginable. So dark I am scared to try and even recall the memories. It was traumatic and I don’t use that loosely. I was suffering. I was ready to end it all. It’s been maybe 6-8 months and I am still a mess. I have a new personality in someone else’s body and life. I don’t even like the old me or my old friends. My DR won’t see me anymore because I won’t take medication and no one including my family believes what I have been through. I am a totally destroyed person. Say I have 1 chance in 8 to make it more than 2 years before I am out of money and go away. No joke it’s bad. I can’t believe I am at this point. The meds did not even help that much. My Dr said it was just untreated anxiety and I needed to go back on. There is no way I can do that. I am terrified of what they did to my mind. I live in central va I need a doctor. Every one that I call thinks it’s an addiction and don’t hear me that I am not an addicted I need help beyond that. Even my wife and mom think I am crazy now. My memory is so bad I have a hard time navigating social media anymore. Everything is just hard. I have the IQ of a dog now. Where can I go to get help that’s not a forum? Obviously I am getting desperate [withdrawal, tapering] 49. Has anyone been prescribed .125 clonazepam? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rn9s22/has_anyone_been_prescribed_125_clonazepam/ I looked at the formulary for my insurance (anthem medicaid) and see it's listed. I've read through a lot of posts on here and have never seen it mentioned. It would be great to get .125's with a break line! [psychiatrist] 50. 5 days after jump. https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rn3irb/5_days_after_jump/ Well after 8 long months starting at 1.5 mg of clonazapam I am 5 days no pills after a long taper. I tried to keep a journal the whole time every day cause what I was feeling was so intense, still is but not as bad. I rode my spinning bike every morning to sweat it out, not sure now how I did that, was intense insomnia, terrible paranoia, just all in all a very hard time. Right now I am feeling unwell but hoping it will get better, each cut did seem to get better but when you still tapering your still on them and I don’t think your brian or your symptoms can ever do away till your totally off and can repair? Any advise on this part of the process does it get better ? Have any questions for me as I went through an ordeal and would love to be positive for someone if you struggling, peace to all ! [tapering, withdrawal] 51. I want to come off Ambien. Should I expect the same W/D symptoms as benzos? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rn88z2/i_want_to_come_off_ambien_should_i_expect_the/ I’ve heard mixed opinions regarding this. I’ve been taking Ambien nightly for ~4 years to help with my insomnia. I’d like to come off of it at some point, but I’m worried that the withdrawals will be similar to benzos. I’m worried I’ll never be able to sleep without it [withdrawal] 52. Real, or utter shite (UK here).? https://www.reddit.com/gallery/rnnjow PICTURE (Ksalol blister) [other] 53. Valium acute question https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rn2z2k/valium_acute_question/ Whats the average time for diazepams acute withdrawal [withdrawal] 54. Update: Day 8 ClonazoLam to ClonazePam taper success https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rn8t3d/update_day_8_clonazolam_to_clonazepam_taper/ Posting here so maybe somebody googling can find some reassurance about switching from RC benzos to a lower dose script. To recap I was taking 2 mg of clam, 1 in the morning 1 at night basically whenever I started getting rebound anxiety, for about a year. Plus with some other RC benzos thrown in. Psych dr put me on 2 mg klonopin 1mg in morning 1 at night. I'd say at least half as potent and long lasting. Basically Day 1 when I made my first post was the hardest. I slept for 3 hours that night, woke up about 10 times with my heart pumping hard, and had delirious, vivid nightmares of corpses and some flashbacks to bad memories sprinkled in. My blood pressure was fine, but my pulse, normally 80-100 bpm slowed to a consistent 60 bpm for some reason. This lasted for 3-4 days. After the first night, it got easier each day. They say it gets better before it gets worse, but that wasn't the case for me unless the worst is yet to come. I slept great the next night except for some more vivid nightmares and haven't had much trouble sleeping since. I take 15 mg of mirtazapine and sometimes 25 mg benedryl with it. I think the all the clam has left my body around day 7 as I had anxiety between doses yesterday and today but nothing I can't live through. Only side effects I have are a little mental fog it's like I have dyslexia. The letters get mixed up and I misread words all the time i I'm optimistic about this taper if that's the worst I have to look forward to. FWIW, I talked to my mom who was a hardcore alcohol addict, and she said she had no withdrawl symptoms when she stopped cold turkey so it could be something genetic that makes it easier for me. [tapering, withdrawal] 55. Rediculously long tapers https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/?count=50&after=t3_rn3irb Anyone else ever see some people doing outrageously long tapers I seen one today where a person has been tapering 10 milligrams of Valium since January 2020 they are now on 3.5 mg of v and claims that last 3 mgs of v will take TWO YEARS to taper, like 3 mgs is barely even therapeutically effective, does anyone else think these outrageous tapers are even beneficial, I know the updated guidance is 5-10% every 2-4 weeks but I feel as though when you get down to 2-3 mgs of v equivalent you should just speed it up and get it over with it gets to just be rediculous at some point [tapering] 56. Re instated https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rn6heh/re_instated/ Hey guys I re instated and found a great doctor he has been so patient kind and understanding and follows Ashton protocol. I was getting so bad , worse and worse I had no choice I couldn’t even feel touch . And I listened to everyone wish I would have re instated to not of shocked my brain so much . And way I’m re instated now on Valium he has me on a 40MG prescription I’m only taking 30MG a day . Issue which me and him know is that I was taking bars and we don’t know what or how strong they were so it’s hard to know what dosage to sit at . He was even saying he’d push me to 60 if he had to to taper me the right way. Any way I’m 3 weeks re instated on Valium I feel 40-50% myself … I still have the ear ringing in one ear , slight anxiety ( Valium really took this out ) depression is the worst ( feel like V makes me feel this way ) heart races still sometimes not as much , brain burn sometimes not as much . The nightmares are horrific the devil grabs me and I feel him every night . Even with all that I feel better imagine how bad I was :( Body aches , slight fear etc , fight or flight was at a 10 before re instate now at a 4-5 Doc wants me to sit here for a month and see how my body does now that it’s resting ( with the devil ) but he’s also open to updose since I still have WD. Should I just hang tight if they are manageable and hope for some healing just like if someone was holding on a taper , and then taper or should I go up dose ? He’s open to it and understands it’s complex . Depression is for sure the worst considering a SSRI then taper. Many options I know I just know my brain took a massive beating with the CT so either way I’m not tapering right away [tapering, withdrawal] 57. How did you feel at 6 months off benzos? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rmq5bg/how_did_you_feel_at_6_months_off_benzos/ [no text] [withdrawal] 58. Feeling like insane https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rmxc97/feeling_like_insane/ This IS My second month off all drugs mainly benzos. Evert night i feel like im going insane. I get really Bad flashbacks from acid trips. And im suffering from hppd. It has been getting better. Nyt still im so often worrying that i Will never Be normal again. [withdrawal] 59. WD tools & supplements https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rn0f76/wd_tools_supplements/ (edit.i made this og to opiate wd but it works on benzos just as well just cut out all gabapentinoids at the end and TAPER your dose when doing it) WD set of mines is: LEGAL ALL OVER WORLD (atleast 80% of these): •>CLONIDE: used in rehab centers is a good one you can get in every country id think just go to ER and ask for prescription it has some small effect on the opioid receptors believe it or not google it yourself! •>LOPERAMID you can get it otc also in like every where in the world google bout that its actually an weak opioid itself that helps with not sitting on toilet all day😃 •>Semax (peptide & nootropic that works on endogenous opioid system wich the whole opioid receptor system is a part of also neuroregenerative meaning its builds new brain cells in the hippocampus over the death ones addiction and drug use has done it to all of us in some degree its also anxiolytic & antidepressant with natural stimulation properties cant say nothing but recommend to everyone and its legal all over world cause its on the cray area (noots/peptides), •>TIANEPTINE is great for wd but it takes backbone to not relapse to recreationally use it cause its an pretty strong opioid also when used recreationally • >BLACK SEED OIL (has some mu-opioid receptor activity it also great for overall health so great for wd:s) so def go grab a bottle from a local supplement store its also legal on everywhere in world •>TESTOSTERONE go to check your levels cause their 80% surely love af so it wouldnt hurt cause long term opiate/opioid use cuts bodys testorene production to 80yo mans stage, and would get legally ether T-gel or vials for I.M. shots of sustanon. Or just buy it from street or local gyms. •>PHENIBUT great for wd:s was it benzos or opiates this stuff helps ALOT i recommend F-phenibut or phenibut FAA over regural but whatever easiest to get go with that. •>KRATOM(i know not legal in many places anymore but customs rarely pick up small 50-200g bag of kratom and dogs dont know the smell of kratom as a drug. •>CBD(oils,weed,hash,vapes)its helps alot for insomnia and muscle pains/spasms and anxiety. +a lot of vitamins and herbs google them yourself. then comes these not legal ones: NEEDS RX OR BUY FROM STREET: Benzos, Gabapentin, Pregabalin,Baclofen, Indica Weed, Tramadol (with tramadol use it on start then drop the dose day by day right when worst symptoms of wds eases cause u dont wanna replace addiction with another one same goes with benzos and all gababentinoids on this list drop the dose atleast on the 3rd week mark on benzos!) and on the 4th week u should be str8 with the legal options on this list + excercise and go outside to just take walks and listen to your favorite music just lay back watch movies etc just to get something another than dope to your head and best if you can also spend time with family, sober friends, girl friend (maybe ex try to fix things if your usage was the reason!) these helped me but a break up drove me back on the horse well im bout to take these steps once again my self🙃 wish me luck as i do to you!☺️ [withdrawal, drugs] 60. If not benzos for anxiety. Then what? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rmp565/if_not_benzos_for_anxiety_then_what/ And dont say alcohol. Pharma only [drugs] 61. An interesting article I'm sure many of us can relate to. https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2020/dec/30/quit-benzodiazepines-anxiety-medication-withdrawal-pandemic https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rmq0sv/an_interesting_article_im_sure_many_of_us_can/ [no text] [withdrawal] 62. One day at a time https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rmenvl/one_day_at_a_time/ VIDEO [other] 63. switched xanax to kpins, but how to taper off ? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rmrvkh/switched_xanax_to_kpins_but_how_to_taper_off/ Hey, I was used xanax for 3.5months. In the first months i used 0.5-1-1.5mg daily, but the last 1 month was chaotic, i was on 4-5-6mg daily. Yeah I abused them. Also i abused stimulants and alcohol at the same time with the benzos, so my tolerance is fucked up. Last week i switched xanax to kpins because i want to taper off. Also i stopped using coke and alcohol. But all of this, my bzo addiction was the disaster, because of the xanax’s short acting time, i was anxious all day. Mentioned i switched to kpins, i feel better now, but i struggling with falling asleep, and my sleep quality is not very good, but at least i dont get really anxious all day. I take 2mg kpins once a day in the evening before sleeping. But i want to slowly taper off and forgot benzos. Can you help me with a taper plan and how can i improve my sleep quality? I take melatonin also before sleep, but i had insomnia in all time of my life, before benzos too. And this is why i started to take xanax, it kicked me out and i could sleep well. (but honestly it was so good for the daily stimulant binge too) Thanks for any comments! [tapering] 64. tattoo https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rmre21/tattoo/ would i be fine to get a very tiny tattoo? i’m about 9-10 days cold turkey off xanax from taking about 3 2mg pills a day. thx for any info 😁 [other] 65. Benzo nightmares https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rmuixv/benzo_nightmares/ Guys the nightmares each night it feels like someone is grabbing me and breathing in my ear and won’t let me go . Or yesterday like the devil grabbed me and I could feel physically the grab and would try so hard to wake up from it , and when i did my muscles / body would be tight or sore where I was getting grabbed . It doesn’t feel at all like a nightmare it feels real , the actual presence the actual feeling . I’m a strong person but it’s actually extremely horrifying. Do others get this ? I’ve never had nightmares , and again these don’t feel like nightmares :( wtf [withdrawal] 66. 9 days off benzos https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rmi7we/9_days_off_benzos/ Today marks 9 days. My anxiety is a bitch for sure but i know it’ll get better eventually. I just went to rehab and was tapered down on Ativan for 11 days. I don’t count the taper days obviously so 9 days today! Can’t wait to start feeling a little more normal but I know it’s going to take time. 2 years I was taking heavy doses of Kratom and heavy amounts of etizolam which lead to Xanax and flualp in there as well. It’s been a bitch but it’s much better than being a slave to any substance [drugs, withdrawal] 67. I'm not gonna make it https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rmcpo1/im_not_gonna_make_it/ Today is being a horrible day, it is very hot, I feel very sick, confused, disoriented, this pressure in my head is horrible, I don't know how much more I can take, someone else had these symptoms and could they do something to alleviate them a bit? [withdrawal] 68.Is SSRI withdrawal really as bad as benzo withdrawal? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rmkqyi/is_ssri_withdrawal_really_as_bad_as_benzo/ POLL [withdrawal] 69. One day at a time https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rmesrb/one_day_at_a_time/ VIDEO [other] 70. Advice for first psychiatrist meeting? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rme8dx/advice_for_first_psychiatrist_meeting/ I’m seeing a new psychiatrist because I want to stop being dependent on Xanax. My story is that I started having anxiety that hindered my performance in college(teaching classes, giving presentations, going to conferences), but didn’t have good insurance. My mom did have good insurance, and was able to get her psychiatrist to prescribe Xanax to her and my mom has been transferring them to me unlawfully for about 3 years. I’m currently on .5mg 3x a day, but sometimes I use more and sometimes less. I try really hard not to run out each month because it’s misery. I’m also taking supplements that are said to reduce tolerance buildup to Xanax (agmatine sulfate, NAC, inositol). I’ve basically lost function in life because of how these pills no longer work well for me. I have crippling anxiety on them, and am in physical and mental agony when I don’t take them. I’ve dropped out of grad school for this semester, lost my job and am just sitting in my parents’ home watching time pass by until next semester during which I hope to be taking the last class I need to graduate with my Masters. Are there any tips to get the psychiatrist to be more likely to prescribe long acting benzo with a slow taper? I’m worried this will be difficult because I don’t have a valid prescription for Xanax. Should I tell him how I’m getting access to xanax or could this get my mom in trouble? Also, should I be exactly honest with how much I’m taking or tell him I’m taking slightly more so the switch from Xanax to the new drug is less jarring? I want to be functional for next semester, and I’m really hoping this facilitates that. Edit: had the appointment. He wouldn’t help me at all. Told me to go to a rehab. 😡 [psychiatrist] 71. Heavy clonazoLAM (not klonopin/clonazepam) user here. I'm basically out, and I'm really struggling with what to do. Could really use some help. https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rm9nef/heavy_clonazolam_not_klonopinclonazepam_user_here/ First off, for the unfamiliar, I take a drug called ClonazoLAM. It's not ClonazePAM (Klonopin), in fact it's wildly different. Been tapering for about 6-8 months. Not going to say my dose, since every time I do I get unhelpful comments saying "Holy shit you're taking that much?" I will say I've cut back to 1/3 of my original dose, and I'm still taking a substantial amount. Like the title says, I've essentially run out. It's nearly impossible to find ever since the ban, and even if you can find it it's gone up like 4-5x the price, which I can't afford. I've found one vendor that has a decent price. I was planning to order from them today, but now I'm getting an error when I click the listing. I just really need some help here. I don't know what to do, and I really don't want to go to detox and become a vegetable. I was thinking maybe bromazolam might be an option, since it's easy enough to get, and it's dirt cheap. I don't know though. I've never tried it, I don't know much about it, and it doesn't seem like it'd be a good replacement. Anyways, any help would be appreciated. I have no clue what to due, and even if I can find a good clonazolam vendor, it may not arrive in time due to the holidays. [tapering] 72. Recovery stories for Christmas? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rm51ih/recovery_stories_for_christmas/ I was thinking for those who have recovered, and got to the other side of WD, it would be really nice of you to share your story here. For those of us going through it atm, it’s a pretty tough time, feeling sick around Christmas. It would be amazing to read some positive, hopeful stories - if any of you are up to it. Thanks in advance ☺️ [other] 73. Is Kava ok to take after tapering off benzos? (2 years daily use) https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rmmk1h/is_kava_ok_to_take_after_tapering_off_benzos_2/ I read Kava effects your GABA receptors and I just got out of rehab fourth time. They tapered me down there with Ativan for 11 days. Felt like my head was going to explode the entire time. I used to take Kava but not if it will fuck with my head. Have any of you tried kava to ease withdrawal [drugs, withdrawal] 74. On klonopin for 2 weeks https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rmfgbq/on_klonopin_for_2_weeks/ I’ve been on klonopin for two weeks straight and want to go back to needing it for emergencies only. I’m on 1mg dose, do I need to taper or can I just stop and only take it when needed for panic attacks? [tapering] 75. On my tapper from my 2mg of extended release Xanax a day down to .5 mg.. been going slow for the past few months.. waiting and wondering on when I should jump. https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rmkpn7/on_my_tapper_from_my_2mg_of_extended_release/ [no text] [tapering] 76. Boston homies hmu https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rmnlqu/boston_homies_hmu/ [no text] [other] 77. What are your reasons for believing something was "wrong" with *YOU* that benzos came into your life? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/?count=75&after=t3_rmkpn7 [no text] [other] 78. In Acute Stage - Symptoms getting worse. In need of hope - when does it get better? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rm8hnm/in_acute_stage_symptoms_getting_worse_in_need_of/ I’m almost 6 weeks post detox of .25 Xanax that I took for 2 1/2 months. I was in perpetual WD and tolerance all through my taper of 4 months, unable to get stable even with small reductions and holds. I think I was paradoxical from the start. Finally had to detox to get the X out of my system so my body could begin to heal. It was a low dose but my body is super sensitive. Some of my side effects are the same that I endured during my attempted taper: burning skin and scalp, anxiety unlike I’ve ever experienced, panic attacks, trembling, tinnitus and fear. I’ve never had anxiety such as this, but the anxiety comes from the great discomfort of my burning scalp and skin. I’d take any other symptom as a trade. The past 3 nights I have been awakened by massive cortisol surges that go through my whole body. It feels like acid going through my veins with continuous hot flashes of heat which then causes my burning skin symptoms to ramp up all over. It’s painful and so distressing. Then comes the panic and trembling. I haven’t had these surges before and my burning skin sensations are not getting any better. I’m loosing sleep with the cortisol surges, and am only getting about 3 hours of sleep. Before these surges started happening, I was getting decent sleep off and on. Why would these hot flashes of cortisol start happening now when I’ve never had them before? I’m so discouraged and wonder if something else is going on. Why would I be getting worse? I was in great pain last week and went to ER. They did CAT scan, blood work, EKG, and all were good. I really wonder if my nervous system is just getting worse or if my nerves are just too damaged. I’m broken hearted that I haven’t healed and appear to be getting worse. My doc gave me some gabapentin 100mg 3x per day, and I requested propranolol .5mg twice a day. I will pick it up today. Don’t know if I will take these. My doc is clueless about what to do. She said my withdrawals should be done and said maybe I need a neurologist. So that frightened me. She has no Benzo knowledge other than to hand it out like candy. She never warned me of the dangers. I have had to tell her about the Ashton Manual after she had me cut too much at the start of my taper. I never stabilized. I’ve been battling for so long through my taper and now in Acute. I am feeling despair because I’m not healing. I really don’t know how much more I can endure. I need hope that I will heal. I realize the detox (basically a CT) is causing the issues, but I had the same thing all during tapering, except the surges are new and my tinnitus has decided to ramp up as well. My worst symptom is the burning in my brain/scalp. It’s like hot lava being poured on my head. I suppose my gaba receptors being awakened and my hypersensitive nerves that were suppressed by the Benzo are trying to heal. This is all just pure torment from the pit of hell and is wearing me down mentally. I meditate, pray, read scriptures, watch YouTube videos of healing and Claire Weekes books on anxiety. Please, has anyone had it as bad in Acute? I truly need endurance and hope. Maybe I’m just one of the unlucky ones that doesn’t heal? 😥 I was hoping that I would heal in time for Christmas, yet sadly, I will now be spending it alone. Does anyone else have these massive surges of cortisol hot flashes and symptoms? If any of you are the praying type, I would appreciate and cover your prayers for me. Lord help us. 🙏 Also thank you to everyone who has encouraged me the past weeks. My friends think this is all in my head and that my symptoms are not real. I don’t have family as they passed away tragically years ago, so I am alone. These forums are my only support, so thank you. ❤️ [withdrawal, tapering] 79. Re: The Benzo Support Community Guide we're building... https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rm5zll/re_the_benzo_support_community_guide_were_building/ It will be an easy-to-access online guide to pass forward to our personal communities as we withdraw from benzodiazepines. The people around us have difficulties understanding benzo withdrawal. We're keeping it short and to the point, educational and supportive...not all doom and gloom. After the "welcome" this has been written. This is the first of six subcategories. If anyone has any additional points, they will be welcomed. “I don’t think anyone can grow unless he’s loved exactly as he is now, appreciated for what he is rather than what he will be.” ~Fred Rogers What Is Benzodiazepine Withdrawal? A long and gruelling process. A mind and body assault. A relentless series of tortuous twists and traumatic turns. Every day. Everything in us struggles to repair the damage. Everything in us fights to live. However, all is not lost! (....next up..."The Journey/Waves and Windows") [withdrawal] 80. Just taking a walk in the park https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rlmsgw/just_taking_a_walk_in_the_park/ VIDEO [other] 81. Tapering, oxy and seizures https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rm229b/tapering_oxy_and_seizures/ I'm on benzos since 2018, between 2018 and 2020 I tried all benzos available in my country in high doses, I was used to stay more than 5 days without taking anything and dont' feel any withdrawal symptoms, but in early 2020 I had 2 seizures in the same day, after 2 days cold turkey(I wasn't feeling any withdrawal symptoms, if I had I would have took a xanax that I always carry with me), after that I was really scared and start to take my benzos daily to prevent another seizures, it made my addiction worse, some months later I was in a terrible depression and start to use cocaine, morphine, and midazolam IV for about 2 months, I had no problem to quit cold turkey the IV shit, but I keep using benzos(alprazolam, clonazepam and bromazepam) in high dosages. And this year I start doing psychotherapy and changed my shrink for another that was more open to follow the Ashton Manual, and I was able to taper down to 2.5mg/day alprazolam or 1mg/day alprazolam and flunitrazepam at night (I was taking 8mg/day of alprazolam at the beginning). All was going fine, I also take vyvanse eventually to work and help in my weight loss, vyvanse is not a problem to me, and I hope that I manage to not be addicted to it. But here's come the problem, I relapsed on oxy 2 weeks ago and enter on a binge, and when I on opiates I really don't feel any benzo withdrawal symptoms and I have fear to mix them and die, and I was 1.5 days without any benzos and on 100mg oxy(40mg intranasal and 60mg orally, chewed to break down the extended realease generic pill), and I had a seizure in a store, thank god that wasn't happen when I was driving, and that was the worst seizure of my life, my brain was working really slow for 2 days, I will never abuse opiates that way again. My main question is if the oxy had some influence in my seizure, or that just happened because I was on a low dosage in the past days and 1.5 days cold turkey. My public health care service doctors are in recess until next year, I'm gonna wait until my next appointment in early january, go to a neurologist and have the MRI exam to check if I have some brain damage, until then, I won't lower my benzo dosage. [withdrawal] 82. Severe anxiety 7 months post dose drop? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rlxwdw/severe_anxiety_7_months_post_dose_drop/ 7 months ago I cut my daily 7 years klonopin dose from 1.5 mg-2mg to .5 mg. I had some anxiety but nothing that ruined my life just made it uncomfortable sometimes. The last 2 months have been literal hell for me. Panic attacks, severe anxiety, and recently my first DP/DR episode. It’s so bad I’ve developed mild agoraphobia. My life is totally altered. Thinking about going on an SSRI. Could this be from cutting the dose or has too much time gone by from it being that? [withdrawal] 83. How long does tolerance withdrawal last? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rlufvn/how_long_does_tolerance_withdrawal_last/ Hey everyone, when I started my taper a year ago taking about 3mg Klonopin daily. About 2 months ago I got down to .5 daily and I've stayed there because I was suffering so much. I was doing a lot better for a while but recently nausea and other withdrawal symptoms have started coming back. Not nearly as bad as when I was tapering but it's still noticeable. Does this go away? If so how long does it usually take? thanks. [withdrawal] 84. Found out why anhedonia is the last symptom to go for alot of people https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rlq9wh/found_out_why_anhedonia_is_the_last_symptom_to_go/ The brain regions use a chemical called dopamine to communicate with each other. Dopamine is used to decide what’s rewarding and how you want to attain it. It’s also used to decide whether something is threatening. Felger explains that these reward circuit regions may not interact as well with each other in people with anhedonia. And therefore, this weakened communication between regions suggests unbalanced levels of dopamine, says Tiffany Ho, PhD, a cognitive neuroscientist and assistant professor in psychiatry and behavioral sciences at UC San Francisco. Ho also nods to the possible role that prolonged brain and body inflammation—which is often observed in someone with depression and anhedonia after experiencing stressful events—can play in setting the stage for less interactive reward circuit regions. Adding to this is the amplification of the brain’s threat circuit, which scans for things to avoid. “Now that we have so many fearful and emotional things going on in the world, the brain is responding more and more to threats and less and less to things that are rewarding, just based on what we're exposed to,” Felger says. The reward circuit and threat circuit are constantly running in our brain, she adds, but when one is used more and takes up more brain energy, the other ends up running less efficiently. https://www.realsimple.com/health/mind-mood/anhedonia [withdrawal] 85. What to expect in acute withdrawal? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rls9bw/what_to_expect_in_acute_withdrawal/ Hello. I started my taper journey 14 months ago and I’m entering acute withdrawal soon. I would appreciate any context on what to expect. I had been on 2mg of the oh-so-potent clonazepam for 2 years before starting a gradual taper, guided by the Ashton Manual. After a brutal six months, I decided to transition to diazepam per the manual’s recommendation. I have since gone from the equivalent of 40mg diazepam to just 0.5mg today. The transition from 0.75 to 0.5 has been more soul crushing than I could imagine. Days pass where I just don’t care about work, bills, eating, life. Starting this during COVID and quarantine probably made things even tougher. Thankfully I have a few better days each month where I feel I have a brain again. I am worried about the final steps to 0.25mg and then zero. I know that it all depends on your own biology and it will vary. But I’m so exhausted and the idea that things could get even harder once I hit zero makes me feel so empty. In your experience, was the acute withdrawal phase (after reaching zero) about as tough as the hardest part of your taper, or was it uniquely difficult? Thank you for your perspective. [withdrawal, tapering] 86. The Tapering Begins Today https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rlg586/the_tapering_begins_today/ I have been a regular user of Alprazolam and Lorazepam since I got off a serious (read life threatening) alcohol addiction 9 years ago. Benzos have helped me immensely over the years to manage my social anxiety and general depression. My work life has improved. I moved to a new country, work in a field I am passionate about and just purchased a beautiful home in a beautiful country. And I will be getting married soon. Yet a gnawing emptiness still pervades my daily life. I have come to rely far too heavily on my Benzo habit. I am starting a 3 Month taper from 4mg Loraz/ 2-3 mg Aplraz daily. I will lower the dosages steadily each week until I can hopefully be completely free of substance reliance. I do believe these drugs have a legitimate place in the treatment of many maladies. But years of use has dulled my senses, emotionally, physically and romantically. It is time to break free. This post is me claiming to myself that I am capable of this. Wish me luck [tapering] 87. Low dose "recovery?" Can I go back to using my normal doses? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rlydnu/low_dose_recovery_can_i_go_back_to_using_my/ I've had an ativan prescription for about a year now and have generally used it as directed aka .5-1mg at max every other day, normally less. A month ago my house burned down just before finals season, and I started taking anywhere from 1-4mg a day. I evened out and felt calm enough to stop taking it nightly, but found that I got intense tension headaches and weird almost psychedelic symptoms similar to migraine auras when I tried to quit my 1mg nightly habit. This made me nervous enough that I've just continued to take 1mg every night, but I'm confused about where to go from here. Do I need to talk to my doctor about going off of benzos completely? I felt like I used them pretty responsibly until I started grieving. I don't want to be physically dependent but also don't relish the idea of not having them for emergencies, as I've found having them as a "backup" for panic attacks was pretty helpful. Is tapering down to nothing and then continuing as needed dosage an option? If I go to my doctor with this is she likely to take me off of this drug completely/label me as a drug seeker? Advice? Similar experiences? Thanks everyone <3 [psychiatrist, withdrawal] 88. rough day Hi all. Well I now totally understand windows and waves if I didn't before. I've really been doing well. sleep is still broken, waking up in the middle of the night even through an Ambien 6.25 CR. but I guess your body has to get sleep so I get back to sleep but I've been waking up out of sleep with my heart pounding and taking deep breaths. I have mild COPD so they are putting me on night time oxygen supplement which blew my mind, cuz who the hell knew. My 02 is perfectly normal during the day but they found it during a sleep study when they were trying to make sure I didn't have apnea. anyway so that was a stressor, they delivered the oxygen today so at least I won't die in my sleep. I did dream last night and that's pretty cool. haven't done that in a while, so I'm going to take a page out of another posters guide and take that for the win. My brain may be healing. because I got such broken sleep last night my tinnitus is really loud today so I'm using my hearing aids to pipe nature sounds into my head and that's helping. I'm looking forward to having sustained good news for you guys. I know it's coming. And I have a whole lot to be grateful for. My sister and her husband are staying through the new year and that's going to help a ton. I don't know what I would do without them. I know it's hard being the support system for somebody but I don't think they'll truly ever know how much I appreciate it. I'm wishing all of y'all the best, we just have to keep reminding ourselves that no one's recovery is like ours and it's not linear. [withdrawal] 89. Made the cut from 1mg ativan to .5 today https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rllmgt/made_the_cut_from_1mg_ativan_to_5_today/ Ive been on 1mg for a few months now. I decided its finally time to reduce. The worst symptom i notice so far and when i cut before is the air hunger. Its awful. I really hope im lucky and make it off this drug fine. Im also cutting ambien and have gone from 20mg to 5mg, but i felt fine from those cuts. Ive gotten off 15-20 other drugs..ill be able to get off these too.. [withdrawal, tapering] 90. Need help with tremors https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rlr527/need_help_with_tremors/ Is there anything that can help with shaking and the physical signs of anxiety. I usually move around a shit ton, get kind of hyper, and shaking. It's like every part of the body too. Ive had a lot of clean time before I had a week binge last month and I was doing a lot of xanax and coke and I don't remember the physical part being this effed up. The mental part I'm able to manage a lot better with experience now which is good o guess [withdrawal] 91. Can someone help me make a tapering plan? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rlqpwx/can_someone_help_me_make_a_tapering_plan/ So i used Klonopin and Valium like 3-5 times a week for like 4 weeks, when i was using, i did like .5-1.5mg a day and for valium 5-15mg a day. I tried to taper for the last 2 weeks but slipped every now and then. I got myself down to .125mg/Day, until i did .5mg Klonopin and a beer today. Can someone please help making me a rapid taper plan? I got some Lyrica to help with the taper too. Can i taper in like a week, since today was just a slip? Thank you guys! Peace [tapering] 92. Rc hulks https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rlltg7/rc_hulks/ Hey guys I’ve been using rc hulks for about 11 days to try and get off opiates, I def want to to avoid withdraw should I stop now with the rc hulks I’m still not off opiates and I can’t do both wd’s. I bought 6 hulks December 10 down to my last one today. [drugs, tapering] 93. Benzo recovery and healing https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rlld77/benzo_recovery_and_healing/ Hello everyone, does smoking and drink coffee make your benzo recovery longer? [drugs, withdrawal] 94. Etizolam binge https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rlp29o/etizolam_binge/ Over the month of December (previously no benzo usage since Feb) Ive been taking up to 10-20+ of etizolam daily (yeah that tolerance builds fast) and plan to taper down the week after Xmas. I have 60 etizest tabs, about 150mg+ of solution, 40 grams of phenibut, 28: 10mg tabs of baclofen, 3 tabs of Soma 500mg and over 250: 300mg gabapentin (granted I have a tolerance to it as I've been taking it for 2 years) Should I expect any issues, I should definitely taper down, correct? I know I might be over thinking this but I went to detox back in Feb for 30+ mg a day for a month (which was built up from 5 months of use) Any suggestions on how I should taper down with what I have? Other longer acting benzos are out of the question as I am drug tested unfortunately. Or would I be fine semi- cold turkeying with my helper meds and short duration of usage? Thanks! [relapse] 95. blue skullcap https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rlnr5d/blue_skullcap/ my psych recommended skullcap tea to me for anxiety while tapering. i was not able to find the tea at my local health food store, but i did find capsules and so far they have been very helpful in mitigating anxiety and muscle tension. anybody else have any experience with this? like all supplements, i’m seeing a lot of mixed reports across the internet. [drugs, tapering] 96. I’ve been using rc hulks https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rllo22/ive_been_using_rc_hulks/ [no text] [withdrawal] 97. How long did it take you to recover from the tremors? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rldi8k/how_long_did_it_take_you_to_recover_from_the/ For those who are in their healing journey or who have recovered, how long did it take for you to get rid of the tremors? Did you start getting rid of them during your taper or after you jumped? I am still in my tapering, but these tremors are debilitating in social life. Especially when it happens in the face. [drugs, withdrawal] 98. I just need some encouragement https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rl3gmq/i_just_need_some_encouragement/ I just need a few words of encouragement, I feel so bad that sometimes I no longer know what to do with me, these dizziness, lightheadedness and weakness are preventing me from leading a normal life, sometimes I feel that it is improving but, these days have come more strong, I just need to know that everything will be fine 😥 [withdrawal] 99. Should I continue to CT or should I do a taper? https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rlh9yq/should_i_continue_to_ct_or_should_i_do_a_taper/ Hi everyone. I know you all have probably seen this kind of question multiple times but its eating away at me and I'd like to know some of your thoughts. Around the 2nd week of November I got some 1mg Clonazepam from a family member. I used to take xanax a few years ago for a little over a year and went through withdrawals CT but it all happened relatively quickly. I remember feeling fine after a week or so. I don't know why I relapsed back into this hell but hey, we're not perfect. Anyway, over the course of just under 5 weeks I went through about 40mg Clonazepam. Some days Id take 2mg, and other days I'd go 2-3 days without any. I was going to quit the week of the 13th and was on my 3rd day off again when I got into an accident and needed one to relax because I was so shook. My last official dose was last tuesday morning at 7am (nov 14th). I'll admit that since Saturday I've felt spaced, headaches, very anxious especially in the morning, and overall fuzzy if that even makes sense, with this overall sense of dread. I have 8 1mg Clonazepam left, and I'm wondering if tapering would even help since its been a week, just over, since my last dose. Should I stick it out or maybe try a quick taper? Thanks for all your help guys it means a lot right now. [withdrawal, tapering] 100. H. Pylori https://www.reddit.com/r/benzorecovery/comments/rld42m/h_pylori/ I have read several posts that mention medication for a H. pylori that increased symptoms of benzo withdrawal. I am 6 weeks post jump and believe I have an H. Pylori infection and am being tested for it today. If a poster on this site has experience with both benzo withdrawal and H. pylori please share your experience. [other]